To the west! …or just Montana

14 Apr

This past weekend was Monica and Andrew’s wedding! These guys are in my small group and I’m so blessed to have them there. I couldn’t imagine not going to their wedding so, Katie, Carrie and I road tripped to Montana to celebrate with them. It was SO FUN. I had never road tripped with just my girl friends before. I was surely missing out on some good times!

I can’t even begin to tell you all about the funny things we experienced. However we did encounter:

-Flooding in Fargo

-The endlessness of North Dakota

-Wendy’s is gross. In a hurry? Eat somewhere else. It’ll mess. you. up.

-Katie’s version of Yoga

-How tired you get from sitting in a car doing nothing

-Waffle Makers at our hotels. WIN!

-10 year old girls (Hannah and Madison) that had a room connected with ours and got up at 6AM!

-A pact to keep our attitudes happy after being woken up early and angry. see above ^

-Monica’s Wedding!

-Red mud out in the middle of nowhere while trying to find the wedding

-The 2nd Largest Dinosaur Museum in….MONTANA!

-The Theodore Roosevelt National Park


I wish I was still on that trip. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. Of course, I did need a whole day to recuperate afterward. I think it had something to do with 10 year olds and flooding. yeeeeah.

2 Responses to “To the west! …or just Montana”

  1. katiebee April 14, 2011 at 8:54 am #

    I like your blog post! I had so much fun too and I agree wholeheartedly! We should definitely do it again.

  2. mrs tolzmann April 18, 2011 at 1:19 pm #

    Next road trip I am coming!! So glad you gals came!!

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