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After an 8 month long hiatus…

6 Jan

I’m back. I don’t know for how long because I still don’t own a computer. But I was feeling sad that it’s been so long since I documented about our lives. I didn’t even blog about Roman’s first birthday! Wah. I will do that sometime. Anyway, I just wanted to put a post out there and say hi to whoever is actually still reading.




More to come :)

Morning sickness blues

17 Jun

1. My nausea is killing me

2. My morning sickness lasts all. day. long.

3. I will be 11 weeks tomorrow

4. I also have terrible allergies which makes sleeping a chore

5. I have finished 2 seasons of Friends

6. I read all the Harry Potter books (again) in a week

7. I’m also almost done with all the HP movies in preparation for July 15!

8. Confession: I cry during some point and at every end of the HP books. I can’t tell you how much I love them

9. I feel like I’m on bed rest

10. I have gone out of the house 5 times in 2 weeks

11. I can’t think of anything else that’s gone on in my life since my last post that is of interest.

12. This is unfortunate since it hinders my blogging :(

13. I am, however, going to a birthday party for Sam Rigney tomorrow. He’s turning 2!

Meeting the Pioneer Woman

2 May

Yesterday I woke up late after a sleepless night. Checked Facebook. Then checked Twitter. Doubly checked Twitter again. The Pioneer Woman was gonna be at the MOA at 1pm? It was already 11:30am! I texted my friend Katie and we both decided it was of utmost importance to go the Mall of America and meet this woman.

I had no interest in cooking before I found her blog. And now I’ve made several dishes of hers and even own the cookbook she wrote! Her blog is witty and fun to read. Her pictures are great AND she gives away a lot of stuff. I have yet to win anything, but believe me, when I do, you’ll know. Reading her blog has even helped me strive to be a better writer on my own blog. I guess you can say she’s kind of a role model to me.

The line was so short! She told us she forgot to mention she would be in Minneapolis. I’m guessing a ton more people would have showed up.

She was very easy to talk to. Super chilled.

I also bought her new children’s book called Charlie the Ranch Dog. So cute!

Afterward, Katie and I went to Johnny Rockets to eat lunch. We were starving. It was a fun, spontaneous outing! I’m so glad we went. And I’m so glad I’m on Twitter so I can find out these kind of things! I mean where else do you hear the news?

Top 3 Reasons Why I Blog

14 Jul

1. I love to write. I would rather write than talk any day. My thoughts and feelings spill out so much better and I feel invigorated and sophisticated.

2. I want to keep my friends and family updated on my life here in Minneapolis. So if you are my parents, brothers, Bekah, from North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, or wherever, I am doing this for YOU. (And it gives me an excuse to write. See how this all works out?)

3. I want to meet new people! I love when random people I have never met comment on my blog. I feel like I am doing something right. It makes my day when you all read this.  You’re not stalking– unless you want to be stalking and…that’s just weird. You should get that checked out.

S0, if you’ve never commented before, or want to humor me by telling me you are here, shouldn’t today be your first day?

Boo on you, Bekah

16 Jun

I just found out that my best friend reads my blog. And yet, she has never said one thing either in the comments or to my face (which I admit would be difficult since she doesn’t live in Minneapolis). HOWEVER, this upsets me terribly, and caused me to ponder over the many others who might be stalking under the shadows around my blog and never saying anything. Are you one of them? Hmm??

Don’t be a Bekah. Let everyone know you’re here :)

Why Night Psalms?

7 May

I realize it’s not the most convenient thing for everyone; me changing my blog address. But I did feel it was necessary. Here’s why:

1. Psalms 42.8 just so happens to be one of my most cherished verses. By day and by night my Lord is watching over me. I can’t even fathom that! I need so much sleep, but He doesn’t. And at night He is singing songs over me. Wow. I love singing. I imagine He has a great voice!

2. I felt my blog needed some sort of theme, or reason. I was getting tired of having to explain why I chose “oh my lanta” and I was getting bored by how insignificant it was. I want my blog to actually have a purpose. If that makes sense.

3. I think Night Psalms sounds super sweet. No, really.

So, I’m sure there are more reasons, but hopefully that’s enough to keep you coming back even if I did make you update your feedreaders and all that mess. :)