Part 1 :: Roman’s birth story

10 Mar

There’s no easy way to say this. We had sex the night before Roman was born. We didn’t do this with either of the girls in order to induce labor, but it totally worked this time. Uncomfortable and awkward? Yes. Even more awkward that my mom had encouraged us to try this and she was downstairs at the time? Yes, please. But it worked! -_-

So in the middle of the night around 3:00 am I woke up feeling kinda crampy and was very confused. Marley was laying on my huge pregnant stomach, because that’s the perfect place to sleep. I thought it was because he was on me and just ignored it. I closed my eyes and felt crampy again and finally said to myself, “duh, Beck. You’re one day overdue and you had sex last night. You’re having contractions!” I rode it out for about 2 hours. I figured if this was the real deal, I had better get as much rest as I could. At about 5:00am I called Nick on the phone (he had been sleeping downstairs on the couch for 6 weeks because I needed the whole bed to sleep at night!). He answered super groggily and I asked him if he could make me some pancakes. Haha. He says, “Sure babe, are you ok besides that?” I said yep and I’ve also been having contractions for the past two hours. And then Nick turned into “I’m about to become a father (for the 3rd time) Nick” and promptly started freaking out. I love this about him.

Pancakes arrived and I ate them in bed in between contractions. He started to take over timing my contractions for me.



My mom was sleeping in Paige’s room next to ours so I texted her that she should get ready because this was it. Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 12.49.43 PM

We began to find childcare because we’re awesome and already had that planned out. Not. Paige was out of the country and Dan was working! I texted Lisa to let her know what was happening. We also let our birth photographer, and friend, Chelsey Hawes know that she should get ready to head to the house (or hospital, which ended up being the case).Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 1.07.52 PM

I got up and went to get myself ready to leave. Very slowly, I might add. Every time I would move I would have a contraction. Brushing my teeth was essential. Nick said Monika Scheffe was coming to watch the girls until someone else could come. (Andrew & Annalea Cirillo and then Bryan Green took over after until my parents came back home.)

I was still talking in between and sometimes during contractions when Lisa got to my house. We were all hanging out in our upstairs bathroom and I was still just in my underwear which was very funny to me. However, Lisa was like seriously, Becky, you need to go to the hospital. Always the voice of reason. :)

I still couldn’t believe it was happening. My hospital bag was actually packed. I hadn’t forgotten my boppy. Nick threw crap in a bag and got it all in the car. The hospital is about 8-9 minutes away. I did not have a contraction the whole drive thereI was panickingWhat if this was a false alarm? What if I was going to stay pregnant forever?? We arrived to the emergency room around 6:15am. We checked in and I started walking around the ER in an attempt to keep my contractions going. That sounds so bizarre. It was at the time too. Lisa, Nick, and my mom just stared at me while I walked and would tell me to keep walking when I would stop. Obviously, everyone wanted this baby to come today!

Part 2

2 Responses to “Part 1 :: Roman’s birth story”


  1. Part 2 :: Roman’s birth story | Becky Laparra - March 17, 2015

    […] Part 1 […]

  2. Part 3 :: Roman’s birth story | Becky Laparra - March 24, 2015

    […] Part 1 Part 2 […]

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