Alright, if you must know

13 Jul

1.  Nick has been gone for a mission trip to Guatemala for a week. He won’t get back until next Sunday. Do you have have any idea how ridiculously not fun this has been? It’s below the “I’m having the worst week ever and wish it never happened” meter. Poo. Next time, I’m going.

2.  Katie and Trent are married! I sang at their wedding with Jason Calcote. Very fun and very nerve wracking. I didn’t want to mess up her song as she walked down the aisle! That would have been terrible. But God is good and guided my voice the way He wanted.

3.  I was an over achiever and decided to move while Nick was in Guatemala instead of waiting for him to get back. This has resulted in me being overwhelmed and earning the nick name “beast” from several people. However, Saturday was the moving day and it went by fantastically! We had so many wonderful helpers and great fellowship (minus the man across the street who doesn’t get a story on this blog. ever).

4.  I can’t move around in my new house with getting a workout. I am crawling under, over and around everything. Therefore, I bought 2 bookcases from IKEA (I love that store!) and, over achiever me, put them together when I got home. Drew did most of the work, and what I did, I failed. But that was only in the first one! Remember, folks, I bought 2. The second time round was faster and smoother. Needless to say they are standing tall and proud in my living room which actually now looks like a living room. All of Nick’s books, only Nick’s, are going on these 2 bookcases. That will either be a late night task tonight or my morning task tomorrow. We’ll see!

5.  Ice cream and LOST are calling me. I can hear it from my loft bedroom. Who ignores that? Cheers!

7 Responses to “Alright, if you must know”

  1. sphalladay July 13, 2009 at 2:25 pm #

    Sounds like it’s been a “fun” week:) I (Mandy) have been meaning to call ya while Nick’s been gone, so I must get on to doing that. How’s the new place?

    • Becky July 13, 2009 at 10:55 pm #

      the new place is wonderful! Still getting things unpacked and it will feel more like home when Nick is actually in it. lol

  2. jessicamelling July 13, 2009 at 4:53 pm #

    I want to know where you live now, but I won’t ask on your blog.

  3. Scott July 13, 2009 at 10:42 pm #

    What season are you guys on?? Let me know when you hit 5!

    • Becky July 13, 2009 at 10:54 pm #

      did you know they have season 5 up on ABC now? Andrew said they revamped the whole site. Check it out and see if that’s so! Then you can just watch it at your leisure :)

  4. Sarah DeWire July 14, 2009 at 1:13 am #

    I can’t wait to see the book shelves and especially the living room!

  5. Andrea July 15, 2009 at 5:24 pm #

    Becky! I can’t wait to see how your house looks now!

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