Pictures :: 2014 vacation with the fam!

19 Aug

It has been a long summer. Long and hot. I’m ready for fall!! Anyway, we visited our families for almost 3 weeks and I have so many pictures from those days that it would blow up Instagram to post them all. So, hello my little blog. I have missed you.

IMG_8024 IMG_8026 IMG_8031 IMG_8032 IMG_8037 IMG_8038 IMG_8042 IMG_8050 IMG_8059 IMG_8069 IMG_8073 IMG_8076

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 IMG_8155 IMG_8156 IMG_8158 IMG_8159 IMG_8160 IMG_8163 IMG_8166 IMG_8175

IMG_8176 IMG_8179 IMG_8181 IMG_8182 IMG_8183 IMG_8184 IMG_8185 IMG_8194 IMG_8196 IMG_8199 IMG_8202 IMG_8204 IMG_8210 IMG_8213 IMG_8215 IMG_8216 IMG_8217 IMG_8219 IMG_8220 IMG_8221 IMG_8222 IMG_8224 IMG_8225 IMG_8226 IMG_8237 IMG_8244

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Annnnddddd…that’s a wrap!

One Response to “Pictures :: 2014 vacation with the fam!”

  1. robinbarnhart August 20, 2014 at 1:23 pm #

    Oh boy I sure do miss you all, Thanks for posting all these awesome pictures! Love you guys!!

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