I’m gonna make like Bella Swan and move to Washington

15 May

No really, I am moving to Washington. My little family and I are headed to Tacoma, WA where Nick got a brand new job. He’ll be working for Soma as their National Director of Communications! It’s a perfect job for his skill set. I’ve never been out west, let alone the pacific northwest, so I am excited to experience it!

However, I am devastated to be leaving my amazing friends here in Minneapolis. My heart is heavy with grief just thinking about it. I’ve had several people attempt to ease that pain with the consolings of “you’ll make new friends.” While that’s well and true, it doesn’t lessen the pain of leaving friends here. And moving even further away from Nick and I’s family. And leaving Drew and Linds.

I’ve lived near or with Drew for the past 6 years. And now that Lindsey is a part of the family, and one of my dearest & closest friends, I’m unsure how I’ll handle being apart from them. As well as her beautiful baby belly; my little niece or nephew.

I’m excited to go, and sad to leave. I’ve been doing a lot of praying and relying on Jesus to be my strength at this time. I’m so proud of my husband who provides so well for us and is literally amazing at everything he does. I know we will be taken care of.

The kicker is, we are leaving Mpls the beginning of June. Nick is driving out with all our belongings June 9 and then Sol & I will fly out the 12. I know. Soon. We already found a place to live that we really like (at least from the pictures). It’ll be fun to get settled. I won’t be landlocked anymore! It’s so bittersweet.

Come visit us before we leave! I’ll be packing like a mad woman.

One Response to “I’m gonna make like Bella Swan and move to Washington”

  1. therigneys May 16, 2012 at 12:43 am #


    I’m unsubscribing. :(

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